WWLW Ep. 4: The case of the legal docs in 3rd party deal rooms

 min read
Sep 21, 2022
Oct 10, 2024

What we know

Dennis Pike is working with a large American law firm to improve their document management and information security practices. Whenever the firm is engaged in a legal matter with a client, they use a digital “deal room” to collect and share documents between the legal staff. The information in these documents is often highly sensitive so access control and confidentiality are critical.

What we learned

One of the unique challenges for this law firm is managing documents across multiple deal rooms or file share services. It’s common for a client to use their own file storage service in addition to the law firm deal room. It’s essential to make sure documents are correctly stored between the two sources and that the right people have access. Using the Island Enterprise Brower helps the firm achieve both, without adding any unnecessary burden on their staff.

What happened next

Working with Dennis, the law firm deployed the Enterprise Browser and require its use when staff are using an external client deal room. The additional visibility and access controls gives their risk & compliance team confidence in how deal room documents are managed. It’s also opened the door for employees to have more flexibility with the productivity tools they use at work. The Enterprise Browser gave the law firm the confidence to “say yes” to a wide range of web apps that help their legal staff increase productivity.

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