WWLW Ep. 12: The Case of the Clean Desk Policy

What we know
Adam is working with a customer in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry who wanted to explore a new endpoint technology strategy. They have a large, distributed workforce who need to efficiently pivot between customer accounts. Most of their work involves sensitive business records so robust information security is essential. They weren’t happy with the traditional options like desktop virtualization so they sought out Island for a new approach.
What we learned
This customer reported the same thing that we hear from many customers with distributed workforce: the user experience for desktop virtualization can be really painful. When you combine long distance backhauls to the VDI infrastructure and highly variable local bandwidth, desktop virtualization slows to a crawl. If you’ve ever been on the phone with a customer support representative who asked you to wait while their system responded, you’ve likely been at the receiving end of a poor virtualization experience.
What happened next
Rolling out Island, the Enterprise Browser, immediately improved the user experience for BPO staff. Now they access web applications directly with the browser running on their local machine, with no added lag for virtualization. Beyond that, this organization found Island offered the ideal platform to communicate and enforce their “clean desktop policy” for all employees. Island offers the last-mile controls to define data boundaries within critical applications, along with user-facing messaging and advanced logging. All together, this solution is helping this BPO to deliver exceptional customer service and create a great working environment for their employees.