WWLW Ep. 11: The case of browser consolidation

 min read
Nov 9, 2022
Oct 10, 2024

What we know

Davie is working with a government agency who wanted to simplify their application stack and reduce the complexity of security patching. Like most organizations, the bulk of their workforce used a web browser as their primary productivity tool. Over time, the organization ended up supporting several browsers, each with their own patch frequency and update method. It was time for a change.

What we learned

This agency wanted to simplify their operations and ensure that every employee had a fully patched browser to use for their work. They knew some of their legacy applications would be a challenge, as they relied on the discontinued Internet Explorer browser. Thankfully, Davie and the Island team offered a solution.

What happened next

Island, the Enterprise Browser, is now the default browser for all employees. With one browser to support and automatic patching, their IT operations are simplified. Legacy apps that require Internet Explorer make use of the integrated IE Legacy mode within Island, so users never have to switch browsers. Because Island is built on the Chromium foundation, it’s fully compatible with their existing web applications and the user experience is flawless. Now this agency can focus their efforts on their public service mission and not worry about supporting and patching browsers.

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