Make the web browser an active player in getting work done

 min read
Mar 21, 2023
Oct 10, 2024

The browser is the most-used application for the vast majority of workers. Over decades of innovation, web applications and SaaS business models have flourished. It’s not just possible, but increasingly common, for employees at all levels to complete their daily tasks entirely within a browser.

Even so, the web browser itself is not dramatically different today than it was ten years ago. Sure, it’s faster and capable of rendering increasingly sophisticated web applications. It offers some conveniences like filling in your contact information on a web form or remembering your passwords. It can efficiently stream high-res video and audio. What’s missing is the parallel track of innovation to make the web browser as productive a business tool as the suite of SaaS tools that we use every day.

This is the missing gap that motivated Island to create the Enterprise Browser.

Now, employees around the world start their workday with a browser that is intentionally designed to help them be productive. It starts with a company-branded launch page that is tailored with all the tools they need — personalized based on their particular role, location, or group. Since it’s integrated with their workplace identity using single sign-on, every tool and application is immediately accessible. This is especially valuable for onboarding new employees who can get to work immediately, without the need to build a personal collection of bookmarks. For organizations completing a merger or acquisitions, the ability to instantly enable access to groups of employees is particularly useful. The same benefit extends to the IT teams who are introducing a new SaaS tool or replacing a legacy app. With a single configuration change, the new tool is immediately available to everyone who needs it.

Many workers will find a need to use multiple devices throughout a typical week. Shift workers in health care or manufacturing, for example, or the office-based employee who periodically logs in from their home computer to complete a task. With the Enterprise Browser, everything you need to get work done follows you to each device and synchronizes using the Island Cloud. Administrators can configure the sync experience to fit the business needs, and define how user sessions are handled. This capability can save the day when a laptop is lost or left behind, allowing an employee to regain productivity with a replacement in minutes.

Frontline employees like sales reps, customer support, or call center agents can speed up common tasks using the smart clipboard manager that’s integrated into the Enterprise Browser. Common responses for customer queries are automatically loaded into the smart clipboard to make chat or email responses quick and efficient. And since these smart clips are managed through the Island Management Console, managers can make updates that are instantly cascaded to each employee so everyone is always sharing the right information. In addition to Smart Clips, the Island clipboard remembers the last 50 elements that are copied to eliminate the need to “pogo-stick” between pages when transferring several pieces of information. These timesaving conveniences quickly add up for anyone who touches dozens or hundreds of records in a day.

A side-effect of the rapid innovation in web technologies is that many organizations end up with one or more legacy applications that are critical for some important function yet impractical to update and maintain. CIOs are left with two choices: either implement a costly migration project or live with the legacy app and all its shortcomings. The Enterprise Browser includes robotic process automation (RPA) that can modify the user interface of any web app to add multi-factor authentication, hide obsolete fields, or disable certain actions. These modifications can be applied for select users, groups, or across the board to fit the business need. And it’s not limited to legacy apps, as the same RPA technology applies to any web app, such as a SaaS app that would normally be impossible to modify directly. By tailoring apps to fit the exact business workflow, user productivity goes up and human errors go down.

Offering these productivity enhancements to your employees is a great first step at creating the ideal employee working environment. To take it further, Island recently introduced a Digital Employee Experience dashboard with granular metrics around application usage and performance. With this expansive dataset, IT administrators can identify issues with certain networks, devices, or applications and take remediation action — without waiting for users to complain. By simply deploying the Island Enterprise Browser within your organization, you can make a meaningful difference with the day-to-day employee experience while collecting all the metrics to help you make informed, proactive decisions.

The Island Enterprise Browser makes a familiar, frictionless workspace that’s the ideal employee experience for getting work done.

Tad Johnson

Tad Johnson is the product marketing manager at Island and joined in 2022. He previously led product marketing and product management groups at Jamf, building the leading Apple Enterprise Management platform.

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